hubby never got to working on the treadmill. so while he was in the hospital I was able to check it out. and found a connection was off, put it back on and now have a working treadmill.
after hubby came home from the hospital, I cut up some hot dogs and started working with Max, just getting him on and off the treadmill when it was not running. and having him sit next to it while I walked on it to get him used to the sound and all. did this for about a week.
now this is where it went nuttts lol.
after getting him on and off a few times I turned the the tread mill on with a treat in front of him, he started to walk, I'm thinking yepppeeeee! then out of the bedroom hubby calls me, this makes Max turn and he trys to get off and trips. this scares Max to the point he would not even try to walk on it again. I tryed keeping him on with a leash but he pulled and would drag his hind legs, treats would not get him to walk on it again. this went on for about a week. he would still get on and off when it was not running but would look down and cock his head to see if it was going to start. if it did start off he went,
then it came to me.
Max loved to clean up Rocky and Precious's leftovers. they get canned food mixed with the dry. so I put some canned food in a dish. did the on and off with treats. then put the dish in front of Max and let him get a bite. turned on the treadmill and guess what? he walked. kept the dish just out of his reach and giving him bites when he stayed walking. he would even get back on with it running if he went off the end.
I will do it like this untill he gets used to walking and staying on the running treadmill. and slowly change over to treats.
it was funny my son bet me Max would never walk the treadmill. had son sit. and turned on the treadmill. put the dish up and told Max to walk he jumped right on and walked, surprised the heck out of my son, now son owes me $100.00 lol like I will ever get it but the look on his face was worth it lol
will post some pics with him on it soon