Well-Known Member
Hi! Just to start off, my nickname is Lucky, and my dog's name is Lucky.
Lucky is a male All-American Dog, who is 18 months old. We live in the United States, and compete in AKC and CPE agility, and we would like to compete in AKC Rally someday, and possibly do some competing in Frisbee and Dock Diving, since we love to do these things. We are also looking for some awesome trick ideas! Right now we are teaching All 4 Paws in a Food Bowl, Play Dead, Cik&Cap (agility trick), and paw touch. Tricks Lucky already knows are Sit, Down, Come, Stay, Shake (both paws), Beg, Jump Over My Leg, Leg Weave, Catch a Frisbee, High-Five, Spin Circles, Roll Over, Catch, Nose Touch, and there's probably a couple that I can't think of right now.This forum looks like it will be a great place to learn a lot about different training stuff, and I can't wait to get to know everybody!
