You're right, MaryK. But it's REALLY hard to stop people from buying crap, believe it or not. Sometimes they're convinced by vets, sometimes they think it's the cheapest thing (even though there are many healthier foods out there that are cheaper). I'm also very health-cautious when it comes to myself and my dog (my parents are health-cautious, I blame them, LOL

) Those treats were strictly for recall/come. I have a couple of trusted brands of treats that I use for training sessions, and I also use cheese and ham (her favourites, I have to say).

I need to switch up the treats pretty often, cuz Shivon is a picky dog, and needs lots of motivation.
Yes, sadly, you're right Dogster. I have a hard time convincing my partner, but now he knows the government and FDA are behind a lot of it along with corporate greed, he's starting to take me seriously as he's very anti governmental control on food medicine etc. because he's researched a lot on the human side and brother, that's an eye opener too!
Unfortunately vets aren't the best for advice on dog nutrition. And even sell some of the crap treats, including dental bones, Hills is heavily promoted by them and another one, cannot recall the name but know it if I see it, which I KNOW isn't any good for dogs.
My grandfather was way ahead of his time when it came to healthy eating, so I blame him and my mother
I wasn't meaning you Dogster, I understand and know you would only buy the GOOD treats for Shivon. I'm lucky, neither dog is fussy, although Zeus just doesn't like really anything other than raw meat or kibble - thinks I'm about to poison him if I offer anything else

Oh he will eat cheese, after much sniffing and inspecting it
Ra Kismet will eat anything (including trying to snaffle a decomposing bird corpse YUCK when out walking the other day).
My partner wants to go back to the 'old ways' learned from his parents, of feeding the dog the same as we eat. But as I eat veg only, not vegan, and like highly spiced food, this isn't really an option. Though LOL I am sure Ra Kismet would love some highly spiced curry for his dinner, the nose certainly works overtime when I'm cooking