I held my dog from front,
holding his paws,
then faded it to light touch only on his paws,
and later, also had him balance with his front paws on a stick,
and then, faded out stick, so he could at least memorize what position
was wanted.

even though he could not yet balance for very very long.
I don't think my dog lack of balance when in a beg indicates he isn't thinking, i think he is just a klutz when he sits up without using his front legs for balance.

Take one of my limbs away, i don't stand so great either for very very long.
This is sure not my dog's best trick, nope! rofl.
but, his lack of "greatness" in begging, doesn't hold him back at rocking at other tricks. not at all.
My dog is not especially great at some tricks, yet, other tricks, i think he is #1.
You might find your dog is just
super at other tricks, too, and realize, "wow, my dog really IS thinking! he really DOES get it!"
What is a "cross over" dog?