Honored Member
Ouch! I did English Lit at Uni and also have read the book and had the movie out not so long agoScout is named for the little girl in "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Boo is named for another character in that book) a favorite book of mine. And actually, most people think she is a boy because of that, I've only every had one person guess why her name is Scout... and she is an English teacher LOL. All my dogs have literary names, even Mouse is named for a dog in a book
I really wish you all would quit thinking I'm amazing. I'm not, there are a TON of better trainers out there, and a TON of people doing more for deaf and disabled dogs than I am. Yes, I try to do my part, but it's no more than most, and alot less than some (whom I admire greatly!) What my main goal is, is to teach my deafies enough that they "look" amazing, then use them to educate people.
MaryK, there is a lady I know who rescues deaf herding dogs (Koolies, Border Collies and ACD's) in Australia. she knows others who run deaf Koolies in agility. I could put you in touch with her, if you like. But be warned, she is not a positive trainer, but is quite willing to argue the benefits of adversives (Just ask Adrianne)
And I'll say it again, over and over, that deaf dogs ARE easier than hearing dogs!

Just didn't think

But love the fact that all your dogs have literary connections, that's awesome. Now wracking my brains as to which book Mouse's name comes from - you realize I will not sleep now

O.K. we won't say a word, just maybe three or four or more

I would be interested but afraid she'll never convince me otherwise when it comes to training. I'm totally Positive Reinforcement. She's entitled to her beliefs and I to mine and LOL looks like never the twain shall meet

I'm in Adelaide at present.