It's the same here Sara, not too much help with across country transport for animals, it's up to the shelter concerned if they will help and then they charge. Plus they have to travel in the cargo hold of the plane, which is very traumatic for some and would be more so for little Poppy.
Friends just flew down a KelpieX even with a 'contact' in the airlines, who got them a discount, it still cost the earth.
Wish I lived nearby, she's just SO CUTE and even though I've never trained a dog with disabilities, now I'm on this forum I would definitely take on the challenge. From all I've read, here and elsewhere, they're even MORE loving, if possible, than healthy adoptees. And just as smart! OMD why am I so far away

She's just the cutest little poppet on four legs

Oh, we have a two dog limit here

I'm already there.