Yes I am
I was thinking the other day just how much both dogs learn from every day things. Like 'back' Zeus does a brilliant back and it's just from me asking him to 'back' when he's standing right in front of the fridge or cupboard (he's always hopeful some food just may fall out into his mouth

) and a heap of other 'commands' too.
Didn't you know
"Hey Mom the door frame just kinda, sorta jumped into my mouth I really wasn't chewing on it honest!" LOL I know that innocent look only too well! Ah ah is a good one, I use that, especially when Ra Kismet decides to impart exciting news to the cats, by jumping on top of them!
She's doing well, she's got 'sit' and with stay, takes a while before they will actually stay when you move out of sight, so don't expect that for a while yet. Puppies learn from watching us, remember, so she's bound to want to know what you're up too. Just for now work on extending her stay, tiny baby steps, gradually increase the time and take a step back from her. Be gradual and don't make it too hard for her, otherwise she'll give up.
*sigh* I hope you're right, that one day he will come up with something he's holding (other than a ball). Even when he went to the Pooch Park with Evie and she wanted to share her stick with him he refused to help carry the other end! And I thought he was a gentleman

Any suggestions would be appreciated!
She's probably thinking
"OMD these humans are so weird, what have I done to make them laugh?" LOL oh yes, Ra Kismet does need some long prayers at times. Especially since he's got his new football! That's ALL he wants to do at present, play soccer

Taking me forever to get him to train, even working with Zeus doesn't motivate him and normally he comes flying over, doesn't want to miss out on treats, but not at present.
Dog's do laugh - with their tails

That's their way of showing happiness, laughter etc. so if her tail's madly wagging, she's laughing with you. Cuddles are grand and really help with the bonding process. I often just cuddle my boys, though Zeus isn't into the 'bear' type cuddles, he prefers a more genteel head on my lap arm around him variety. Ra Kismet loves a full on cuddle, generally with me getting smothered

LOL yes my lap does seem to be the most comfortable spot to sit on with the two cats and Ra Kismet. Zeus has never been a lap dog, fortunately as he's heavier than Ra Kismet by around seven kilos.
Yep some very clueless people around! I can feel for you when asked what breed is she!
How about making them write it down? It may stick in their minds if they put it down in writing!
When she's on her lead, a good way to keep her close, or fairly close she does need to sniff and have fun, it's her walk not an army parade, is to keep a treat in your hand. Keep your hand closed and hold the treat down and at first just ask for close heel for a pace or two then click/treat gradually extend that but don't do it for the entire walk. As I said she needs sniff etc. Also 'parking' is a good way to teach her to be quiet and sit nicely. Just stop, when there are NO distractions, and ignore her for a very short time (always remember she's a baby and with a very short attention span) then when she's still sitting quietly, just ask her to walk on. You'll find this very useful when you want to stop to talk to someone, or look in a shop window etc. She'll be quite happy to wait while you do so and not keep worrying to move on with the walk.
Oh dear, I would be furious if anyone let Ra Kismet off in an unsafe area and Trixie is way to young. So glad she was good this time but she's too young to trust that far yet.
The forest is a grand place to let her have a free run. And also to call her back to 'check in' with you and release her, great training for a good recall.
You'll find the Terry Ryan trick bag really easy to use. Just keep it open when you're working but if she ever does develop the 'nose dive', you can so quickly shut it. Ra Kismet went head on first time and it snapped shut. His second attempt he was a little more crafty, too smart for his, or maybe that should be my, own good

. He took the 'stealth approach' didn't touch the bag and I was distracted at the time, smarty boy did get as far as getting his nose down but I was able to just touch the bag and snap it shut. Much to his surprise

. LOL I'm sure he's planning another move though, he doesn't give up that quickly. Seriously though, they really are the best trick bags, so glad you did manage to talk your Mom out of an el cheapo. You have a part for either High Value treats, or reinforcements of the normal treats. A zipped part for your keys etc. and an adjustable belt, plus a ring for a target stick. And they last for ages before eventually the hinges do give out.
Hugs to Trixie, she's doing so well