New Member
Well personaly I hunt as much as I possibaly can becuse I enjoy the challange but I use all that I can from what I kill. If its a deer I use the meat and as much of the hide and such that I can. I dont currentaly take Trophies per say but its really cause I dont have the money to have them mounted. But even then most people who do have them mounted still use what else they can. There are many reasons y to hunt hogs and coyotes becuse they do overrun land and can destroy food crops as well as cattle herds. I have olny hunted coyotes once (an old rancher payed us to get them off his land) and we simply took a few rifles out there no dogs. and I agree with txcowgril you should alwas make ur shots cout I have hunted with people who smiply wanted to fill them full of lead and make them run and I coudnet stand being with them. I will say though that I belive that dogs do have a place in huning as in catach and bay dogs for hogs and other big game, and even in racoon and such but you should alwas eat what u kill unless its just not possible like road kill. You just have to really watch what dogs you use if u use a slow dog that cant out run the coyote then there is a good chance that the dog will be taken down and eaten, and even boar dogs and such are in danger but the make kevelar vest to protect them.....but it just comes doww to personal opinion.
Happy Hunting
Happy Hunting