I did mention that i might not understand what YOU mean by "forced" training. i am still not 100% certain what exactly it is, but, so long as you are not hurting or intimidating the dogs.
I also think dogs are incredibly clever, and
can figure out many many many things, many things.
It's great that you are
here, as that is NOT how
anyone teaches "sit" anymore, especially not to puppies, since it's been proven that puppy hips are very susceptible to damage at those ages, as are some breeds even when adults.
Much much easier way to train,
that you--AND your dog------ might find more pleasant, is called "luring".
You lure the dog to sit, by holding the treat up higher and higher, maybe back over his head a bit, til he sits. CLICK!!! AND TREAT!
dogs get it right away, once you use a clicker. dogs LOVE clicker training, and once you bring out the clicker, WOW, the dogs run over, all tail-waggy and happy, and "put on their thinking caps".
But there are many other ways to train beside luring. Some ppl here are big fans of "free shaping" a trick,
and also there is "capturing" a trick.
there are even other ways, and several ppl here do have their favorite ways.
Here, we ignore, or interrupt all wrong moves (but usually ignore) and click! when dog does the correct move. OH, Johnny, you won't beleive how much faster your dog "gets it" once you get a clicker. I myself, resisted getting one forever,
others here egged me on to try one. I still resisted, thinking, "I am teaching tricks and cues just fine without a clicker, and i don't want to be chained to some gizmo"
but wow,
once i ever DID try one, wow, my dog "gets it" sooooo much faster. All my friends think i have some kind of "super-genius" dog, but, it's just i use a clicker

Learning how to correctly use a clicker, does take a lil practice, and there is a short list of do's and don'ts, too.
Also, maybe we got confused, cuz you said positive only training might not work for "all" dogs.
Still, considering it works on tigers, and killer whales,
you might re-consider the idea, right? that if "positive only" training (clicker training is positive only) works on all
creatures, it seems likely it works on all
dogs, too, right?
Everyone here, 100s and 100s
and 100s of us,
with alllll kinds of dogs,
all types of breeds,
all ages of dogs, from puppies to elderly dogs,
with all kinds of personalities and various problems,
all of us
are being successful at positive-only training........with all these various and diverse dogs, no two alike.......still, all of us have taught our dogs multiple cues using positive only methods..
true, true, some of us hit a roadblock here or there,
teaching this or that cue, or running up against this or that problem,
and when we do,
we jsut post it here,
and someone else will help us figure out a way around a roadblock, if we ever do hit one.
I hope you do give a try,
and i hope you are not as stubborn as *i* was about putting off trying
a clicker.
don't be shy if you want to learn how to properly use a clicker.
it even works on tigers.