Awesome! I totally found that skipping a meal now and then worked. It also increases my dogs drive to work for food
Not that they miss food, mind you... they'll just get more the next day (I might feed once one day, and 3 times the next) Except for Mouse, on a meal skip with the other dogs, I'll often give them a cookie or a chewy then feed Mouse.
I have totally the opposite issue with Mouse... I cannot keep weight on her! I finally had her looking healthy, no bones visible... Then we spent a week packing up my Mom and such... Mouse was in constant motion throughout the week (gotta keep tabs on what's goin' on doncha know!) She looked anorexic again!!! We're working on building her up again.... It took months to get her weight up... then in a matter of days, she was back to skin and bone!!!
I dont even walk her! She goes for "walks" in my coat in the winter, and in the summer, my backpack. Her mangled back foot causes her some pain, and when I was walking her regularly, she developed a sore on that foot, and developed massive muscles on her good leg, and lost muscle on her bad, so she now spends 15 minutes every 2 days swimming in my bathtub
. She doesn't like it much, but get's excited when I bring out the food! LOL