Hi! Glad I joinedHi Dice nice to see you here![]()
Thank you so much for welcoming me. I do respect everyones opinions but at this moment I still very much like the DW. I would like to point out that I only use positive methods while training Kodi's tricks (click, treats, games, etc.). I don't 'tap' Kodi with my foot and never plan too. I do believe Cesar helps many dogs and does wonderful things to save the lives of dogs that people have given up on and will put down. I would also like to point out how much he does to rescue and save dogs lives. However, I do respect everyones opinions and would appreciate if everyone respected mine as wellWELCOME!!! AMAZING LIST, KUDOS!!!
Yes, yes, i second Sara's dislike of dog whisperer, as well, completely agree.
I have learned a lot about dogs, dog training, and many other aspects of dog care here. I have had to change my mind now and then, we all can learn from each other. None of us are born knowing about how to raise dogs, we all have to learn from each other. HOPE YOU DO STICK AROUND, and see how many of us here on DTA have a different mindset about both training,
and managing behavioral issues than DW has. There ARE a lot of "reformed" DW fans on this website. Probably by now, you can notice, his "yank and kick" methods are NOT curing your dog, right?
Lol, maybe you will be like me, and end up changing your mind here or there on this or that!!
Although i strongly applaud DW's emphasis on giving dogs exercise and stuff to do,
that's about all i can say i agree with from him.
Cesar Milan is hugely popular, but, that does not mean his ideas are best or correct. We now have 1000s, maybe millions, of dog owners out there, yanking their dogs around and wondering what "secret inner issue" of their own caused their dog to be shy or dog-aggressive.
Btw, i totally love your positive only method!! But DW is NOT "positive only", at all.
Here is just a brief look at DW from another point of view (he is NOT in keeping with your "positive only" dog training methods.)
Like Sara, i can vouch, DW type of "yank" methods were harmful to my dog, too. I once hired a trainer, who "said" she was "positive only" and ended up yanking, scaring, intimidating my dog, even an "alpha roll", and my dog-aggressive dog was way way WORSE afterwards, for some time. (that was LAST time that trainer ever got near MY dog)
People here helped guide me, and sent me to better resources, to learn how to help my dog. BUT WELCOME, AND WHATEVER ISSUEs YOU ARE FACING WITH YOUR DOG,
YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! THIS IS A GREAT SITE, chockful of knowledgable, committed dog lovers, i'd betcha, a dime to a dollar, that whatever your dog is doing,
i'd bet, someone else here has a dog doing it too!!or, knows how to help reduce it/solve it.
Hi! You guys did great! I love your dogHello eliluvsdice!!!!
I'm tamaravm who participated on your contest!!
1 .Sit
2. Down
3. Stay
4. Come
5. Give
6. Drop It
7. Wait
8. Watch Me
9. Hold It
10. Easy
11. Heel
12. Go Kennel
13. Focus
14. Settle
15. Stand
16. Leave It (Treat On Paws)
17. Leave It (Treat On Nose)
18. Leave It (Item He Can’t Have)
19. Okay
20. Release
21. Directed Retrieve
22. Go Right
23. Go Left
24. Touch
25. Tap Left
26. Tap Right
27. Bring It (Dropped Item)
28. Up
29. Go To Your Place
30. Ring Bell To Go Potty
31. Bang! Bang! (Play Dead)
32. Rollover
33. Beg
34. Shake
35. Cover
36. Cry
37. High Five
38. Back Up
39. Forward
40. Twist
41. Spin Left
42. Spin Right
43. Circle
44. Give Kisses
45. Figure Eight
46. Play Soccer
47. Walk And Weave
48. Jump Over Held Bar
49. Say Your Prayers
50. No Peeking
51. Paws Up (Walk With Me)
52. Reverse
53. Wave Hello
54. Jump
55. Table Up
56. Chair Up
57. Blow Bubbles
58. Under
59. Beneath
60. Speak
61. Carry It
62. Stop
63. Push
64. Go Tunnel
65. Go Tire
66. Weave Thru Poles
67. Pause
68. Over
69. Walk It
70. Jump Thru Arm Hoop
71. Jump Over My Arms
72. Jump Over My Legs
73. Jump Over My Knees
74. Push The Swing
75. Bow
76. Search
77. Head Down
78. Jump Thru Hula Hoop
79. Jump Thru Double Hoop
80. Pick Up Your Toys
81. Finish
82. Switch
83. Closer
84. Around
85. Weave (Thru Legs And Pole)
86. Which Hand
87. Show Me A Tree
88. Show Me A Red Wagon
89. Show Me The Porch
90. Show Me A Table
91. Show Me A Chair
92. Show Me The Pool Deck
93. Fetch Stuffed Dog
94. Fetch Stuffed Bone
95. Bring Me My Shoes
96. Bring Me My Coat
97. Bring Me Your Leash
98. Bring Me Your Bandanna
99. Bring Me Your Squeaky Ball
100. Freeze
101. Pick up the trash
102. Close the door
103. Tug open the fridge
104. Close your kennel door
105. Go night night
106. Leapdog
107. Cross your paws
108. Walk the dog
109. Twirl
I forgot to addd those four![]()
Good point.BATS is good, but, it's harder than it looks to help a dog distinguish
between being removed away from scarey person cuz he barked at it/had a reaction(prevent further escalation)
being removed away from scarey person cuz he was "being good"/not barking at it.(reward)
but, some ppl do say it helps their dog!!