Sorry, I have to disagree. Do let us know how you progress please Be careful of high fiber in dog food, it can cause problems. Haven't been home for a while, so not sure what the latest, best, dog food is in the U.K. but DO CHECK THE LABELS, most super market stuff is mostly 'fillers' which do not have any nutritional value whatsoever.
There's a forum here with very good advice on dog food.
Here's a quote from the above link:
and dangerous cancer-causing substances.
Fiber Helps Promote Weight Loss
Adding fiber to any dog food “dilutes” its caloric content. So, there are fewer calories per serving. And that can significantly aid in weight loss.As fiber absorbs water, it expands… causing a dog to stop eating sooner. That’s because (in dog’s) a full stomach signals “satiety”… or hunger satisfaction2 .
So, dogs feel fuller… and consume less energy… fewer calories… per meal3.
A recent study showed that dogs fed a high fiber diet lost more than five times the fat mass of dogs fed a low fiber diet4.
As a matter of fact, trying to bring about canine weight loss without using dietary fiber makes the whole process needlessly more difficult.