I had a feeling you had put some thought into this name! COOL! LOVE IT!! I'd like to do that, too, someday, with a dog's name.
btw, they have low pitch squeaky toys, too, like the sound a cow or a goat makes or the geese honk sound, very low pitch. yeah, i agree with you, i don't think there is link between loving squeak toys and bunny slaughtering.
My dog adores squeak toys, and does slaughter prey as often as he can,
but, we are working on it.
(<---said Buddy's mom, in 2012........... save that quote..

......i think i will be reposting that quote, each year of my dogs life,

but, i could be wrong )
I know dogs who loves squeak toys, never kills prey. I know some prey killers, who don't like toys.
I agree with you, it's two different things.
I DO think there may be a link between early exposure to prey animals during one's formative puppy times-----often and regularly-------- and
not killing these creatures as an adult, though. Even on DTA, there are photos of dogs and their best friend, a hamster, or a mouse, or a cat, etc, cuz dog grew up with these creatures, and so he did not kill them when he grew up. Can happen as adult too, but, it's way easier for baby dogs to learn not to kill bunnies than it is for adult dogs.
I have No idea if this is safe "vaccination wise" or germ wise, or whatever,
but, if you want to reduce the chances
your dog will grow to be like
(Captain Bunnykiller)
you might want to investigate chances to introduce your pup to various prey animals, when he is still a baby dog. (bunnies, cats, squirrels, hamsters, geese, etc etc, and reward calmness when pup is by these animals, etc)
It's a lot easier to get a baby dog to accept strange lifeforms and learn how to be cool around prey,
than it is with an adult dog....strange lifeforms can include kids, too..