Honored Member
//"There are some situations that I have a hard time dealing with, to put that kind of responsibility on a child is not right."//
i so so agree, kids with 'dogs with issues' are bad combo! Many of us adults can barely manage such dogs, let alone possibly endanger a child....mmmMmm.
//"Cesar is totally WRONG!!!!!!!!!"//
I am so high-fiving you right now!
Yeah, my guy is learning from me, too,
but, i find HIM much much harder to 'train' than Buddy is!
He is very devoted to Buddy, just as crazy nutz about Buddy as i am, but he is not great dog trainer,
but, his heart is in right place, and he is great at entertaining Buddy!
We actually take "shifts" with Buddy, to help Bud spend all his energy, my guy is daytimes, i am late afternoons/evenings (and our dog stays up late...
i so so agree, kids with 'dogs with issues' are bad combo! Many of us adults can barely manage such dogs, let alone possibly endanger a child....mmmMmm.
//"Cesar is totally WRONG!!!!!!!!!"//
I am so high-fiving you right now!

Yeah, my guy is learning from me, too,