Honored Member
Yep, just scroll down, there's one that says
It's in between the:
collar and the

Yep, just scroll down, there's one that says
It's in between the:
collar and the
I'd prefer 'training' for Ra Kismet, as I am a little concerned if I used 'caution' people would think he was vicious, which he's not. Will definitely get one with 'training' which is really what he's doing right now. Well re-training to over come a trauma but more appropriate all the same.I emailed the people who make the leashes and they said that they are making a training one
I totally agree, Mary. You don't want people misunderstanding as some dog owners can be quite nasty if they think you have an even slightly vicious dog out where other dogs are exercised.I'd prefer 'training' for Ra Kismet, as I am a little concerned if I used 'caution' people would think he was vicious, which he's not. Will definitely get one with 'training' which is really what he's doing right now. Well re-training to over come a trauma but more appropriate all the same.
Thank you. Yes people can get quite nasty that's for sure. I've had it since Ra Kismet had his spot of trouble, even had rude signs, though anyone can see he's NOT vicious just plain scared and over reacting. Almost there now but still a good idea to have 'training' as people can be 'in the dogs face' at times. Which isn't fair to the dogs.I totally agree, Mary. You don't want people misunderstanding as some dog owners can be quite nasty if they think you have an even slightly vicious dog out where other dogs are exercised.
Yes, I've noticed that about a lot of ethnic people. I can't imagine how awful it must be to be so terrified of dogs, being as they're everywhere. When Bruno was a young pup, he was running off leash on the beach and ran up to a woman who was out with her little girl. The little girl was petrified. She started screaming, waving her arms about and all sorts, which only made matters worse because Bruno thought she wanted to play. Such a shame to be that afraid of a puppy.Also a lot of ethnic people are absolutely terrified of dogs, probably not their fault, but they're even scared of my older boy Zeus, who just toddles along and doesn't even glance at them.
It is sad isn't it. I've had similar experiences too. And out walking with dog on leash, they will actually tell their children to run away!! Tried to explain once that that is the worst possible thing but either the language or just their lack of understanding got in the way. Plus they will actually move off the sidewalk into the road, even one with very heavy traffic, to avoid having to walk close to a dog.The blind one's a good idea.
Yes, I've noticed that about a lot of ethnic people. I can't imagine how awful it must be to be so terrified of dogs, being as they're everywhere. When Bruno was a young pup, he was running off leash on the beach and ran up to a woman who was out with her little girl. The little girl was petrified. She started screaming, waving her arms about and all sorts, which only made matters worse because Bruno thought she wanted to play. Such a shame to be that afraid of a puppy.
Great idea. Looked to see if they have overseas shipping but couldn't find anything to say they did.I found these today. I'm going to order one with "IN TRAINING, please do not disturb" on it. Maybe then, when I'm asking Alf to do a long stay or something, others might not let their dogs just bound up to him and jump all over him. I don't mind dogs coming to say hello to Alf otherwise, but it can be frustrating when you're trying to train.
I agree. I did see on T.V. a while back something to do with taking dogs into schools and teaching the children how to behave around dogs. Cannot recall where though.Yes.... running away.... sigh.
I think it'd be good if school's had a lesson or two on dogs to teach children how to approach them, why it's important to ask the owner if they can stroke him, where not to touch them, some of the more obvious body language signals etc. With so many dogs around, every child must encounter lots of them.
A friend of mine recently brought her grandchildren to visit for a day. The little boy, who's nine, was afraid of dogs, basically because he'd never been around them and didn't understand them. All he really knew was that they have big teeth, strong jaws and can do a lot of damage. By the time he left he'd become good friends with Alf, even though I'd explained that he mustn't try to take anything away from him. He respected that and I showed him how to get Alf to go through his repotoire of tricks. I'm sure if a few dogs were taken into schools, the children would learn to respect, understand and enjoy them more.
Maybe there should be a lead with "child friendly" on it ;-)
I actually offer this exact thing to schools in my area:Yes.... running away.... sigh.
I think it'd be good if school's had a lesson or two on dogs to teach children how to approach them, why it's important to ask the owner if they can stroke him, where not to touch them, some of the more obvious body language signals etc. With so many dogs around, every child must encounter lots of them.
Dog Safety Seminar for Schools - Safety around animals is a growing concern for many parents. Schools - find out how you can get involved.
In an era of increased concern for safety of children around dogs, clear education for both children and their families is a necessity. By understanding how to not only approach dogs, but have respect for their boundaries, learn to read their body language and understand what to do in the event of an attack - many families can be spared the heartache of dealing with dog bites.
Pawtential Unleashed seminars are engaging, educational and presented in such a way that kids remember and can proceed forward in a confident manner when being around dogs. If your school is not participating in the program already - ask them to get in touch. This seminar is invaluable for keeping your children safe.
Have you been, to your knowledge, shown on Australian T.V.? I did see someone who was offering exactly what you're offering but cannot recall the details, where etc. We do get over seas news here, so just wondering if it was you.I actually offer this exact thing to schools in my area:
Aw was so hoping it was you!Not would be awesome but not me...