This is encouraging there are not NEW outbreaks. Is Maddie still on her antibiotics?
CS dog food, like i said, is
about $1 per pound for the large bag. I think we pay $35 for a 30 lb bag. Kirklands is a lil cheaper, but, has less meat, but, for the price, Kirklands is hard to beat, too, especially if owner embellishes the kibble with meat.
Like i always say, CS is not the #1 top dog food in world, but, for the price, it is a great dog food for ppl on a budget. But i haven't found a kibble i like better, not enough to pay 2 or 3 times as much for a bag of it.
I always add 'spice-free' meat or fish or poultry
to every bowl of kibble my dog gets. For now, that is the best i can do.
so even if i had oodles of money,
instead of paying more for a kibble,
i'd just buy MEAT.
Not a "super high-priced kibble", but, if i had tons o money--->i'd feed my dog real, actual MEAT if i had tons of cash.
I do not see the big difference between dog food with lots of potatoes,
and dog food with oats, rice or barley.
Except tons of potatoes give my dog gas

, and rice and oats don't...
Nutritionally----oats, rice, barley ~vs~ potatoes are about the same.
A lot of ppl seem to think "grain free" means the bag has
only meat in the bag,
but, it's not true, almost all dog food DOES have
plant matter in it,
whether it is plant matter from grass family (like barley or oats)
or plant matter from potato family.
(or plant matter from the tumbleweed family in some cases, still, it's plant matter)
and lol, my dog actually does nibble the tips of tall grasses now and then. I know some dogs gorge themselves on grass to puke,
but lots of dogs do like my dog does, just nibble off a few of the tiptops of tall grasses, JUST THE
TIPS, just
a few, and no one knows why so many dogs do that.
Lots of
guesses on why dogs nibble a few grass tips, but no one
knows for sure.
So, for
my dog, grasses almost seem like part of his natural diet. But, i've yet to see him dig up a tuber to eat.