Honored Member
Aha I see Trixie has the 'please pretty please plllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssse give me a piece' off pat
You're right, they want to please us, they want that treat, that's why old school training is so cruel!!!!!!!
Trixie will get a 'look' actually more than one as she grows up. Rakins also has the 'mule' look, which means 'hey Mom we've done that trick a few times now, haven't YOU got it yet" - so funny and so cute and also reminds me to do a different trick!!!!!!!!!! It's a matter of watching your dog closely, which I know you already do, and you'll start to see Trixie's 'looks', she's a little young still, Rakins didn't develop his 'looks' until he was around a year old.
Good trainer to pick up on that and show everyone the right way. Our dogs train us even more in some respects than we train them. Carolyn Scott and her dog Rookie are a good example she said in an interview that Rookie taught her so much and in their famous routine "You're the One That I Love" she said Rookie helped with the choreography, even in the ring, he'd throw in another spin at times
Have you got the book by Pamela Dennison, "The idiots guide to training your dog With Positive Reinforcement"? It's a really good book, funny and very informative especially on learning doggy signals, reading your dog etc.
Her throw sounds divine
I love purple and yes, good thing not to be able to see the fur! Ah that's so sweet, it's lovely when they just come up and feel so good and comfortable with you that they jump up and give you kisses and cuddles
When you upload I'll post on Rakines FaceBook site - an update on his fav puppy pin up gal growing up

I agree, I honestly think that happy, + reinforcement dogs, do keep their 'puppy' faces and ways (the good bits not the naughty bits) and I'm sure Trixie will stay young even when she's 'old and grey'. LOL people still look at Rakins and say 'he's still a puppy isn't he' and think he's a lot younger than three. Plus one of my German Shepherds was at the time 14 years old when a Bobby, standing next to me at the lights, looked down, commented on how beautiful she was and said 'she's only a puppy about a year maybe a bit more old isn't she" I had to laugh at the way his jaw dropped when I said "she's actually 14 years old"!
Trixie and Rakins would have a fine time together in the water, he's the same, will put his head right under and when he jumps in his plunge pool (my ex water feature) takes his soccer ball in with him. She'll get used to distractions, she's still learning all about that big wide world and hey, gotta check out EVERYTHING otherwise how can a gal learn what's going on around her! That's grand you can take her down and get her back into the car so easily!
She's one up on Rakins when she comes in. He'll stand on the towel which I keep handy but a gentleman???? Has to have a mass of treats when it comes to drying off muddy wet paws, otherwise he'll take off! LOL I think he actually likes being wet and muddy - the grunge look!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't seen one of those towel bags before, thank you for the photo. Must look on line and see if I can find one, as it would be VERY useful with Rakins. Aw poor baby falling flat on that oh so cute little nose of hers, I would feel bad too about that happening.
They most definitely are! Dogs are VERY observant, they watch and know our every move!!!!!!!!!! And you're right, we do under estimate them at times, though with +R training we get to learn their ways, their language too.
I always wish I could bonsai them so they stay puppies
But yes, they do grow into bigger and into an even more loving deeper relationship with us, that's the plus side of them growing up. The bond becomes so strong it's beyond words. They understand and read our thoughts. I had a German Shepherd who was definitely telepathic, we actually did a 'test' and she never missed a beat. She could be outside and all I had to do was literally 'think' must get Lally (her nickname) in and voila - there was my dog right beside me! I'm not kidding either!!!!!!!!! I have a strong feeling Rakins is going to develop that way too, he already 'knows' before I even start to make a move, some things and of course they also know by our movements, tone of voice, everything - we can learn a lot by taking that superb way of observing the world around us the way our dogs do.
Lotsa big doggy kisses and hugs

Trixie will get a 'look' actually more than one as she grows up. Rakins also has the 'mule' look, which means 'hey Mom we've done that trick a few times now, haven't YOU got it yet" - so funny and so cute and also reminds me to do a different trick!!!!!!!!!! It's a matter of watching your dog closely, which I know you already do, and you'll start to see Trixie's 'looks', she's a little young still, Rakins didn't develop his 'looks' until he was around a year old.
Good trainer to pick up on that and show everyone the right way. Our dogs train us even more in some respects than we train them. Carolyn Scott and her dog Rookie are a good example she said in an interview that Rookie taught her so much and in their famous routine "You're the One That I Love" she said Rookie helped with the choreography, even in the ring, he'd throw in another spin at times

Her throw sounds divine

I agree, I honestly think that happy, + reinforcement dogs, do keep their 'puppy' faces and ways (the good bits not the naughty bits) and I'm sure Trixie will stay young even when she's 'old and grey'. LOL people still look at Rakins and say 'he's still a puppy isn't he' and think he's a lot younger than three. Plus one of my German Shepherds was at the time 14 years old when a Bobby, standing next to me at the lights, looked down, commented on how beautiful she was and said 'she's only a puppy about a year maybe a bit more old isn't she" I had to laugh at the way his jaw dropped when I said "she's actually 14 years old"!
Trixie and Rakins would have a fine time together in the water, he's the same, will put his head right under and when he jumps in his plunge pool (my ex water feature) takes his soccer ball in with him. She'll get used to distractions, she's still learning all about that big wide world and hey, gotta check out EVERYTHING otherwise how can a gal learn what's going on around her! That's grand you can take her down and get her back into the car so easily!
She's one up on Rakins when she comes in. He'll stand on the towel which I keep handy but a gentleman???? Has to have a mass of treats when it comes to drying off muddy wet paws, otherwise he'll take off! LOL I think he actually likes being wet and muddy - the grunge look!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't seen one of those towel bags before, thank you for the photo. Must look on line and see if I can find one, as it would be VERY useful with Rakins. Aw poor baby falling flat on that oh so cute little nose of hers, I would feel bad too about that happening.
They most definitely are! Dogs are VERY observant, they watch and know our every move!!!!!!!!!! And you're right, we do under estimate them at times, though with +R training we get to learn their ways, their language too.
I always wish I could bonsai them so they stay puppies

Lotsa big doggy kisses and hugs