//"I said I've never heard of them here."//
ohhh, i thought you said you had never heard of produce recalls.......ohhhh. so i thought, since you live in different country, that maybe your country just didn't have recalls of produce.
Produce, meat, fish, and boxed or canned human food recalls happen evvvvvvvvvery year.
year. there is a recall right now going in both Canada and USA for lettuce, but, i would guess by now that all the batch has been pulled off shelves by now.
and it wasn't "just" Wendy's, tons of fast food chains have had problems with their produce, or their meat, like Taco Bell, McDonalds, etc. I don't get impression that recalls of "something" from fast food chains are unusual, whether it is the lettuce, the tomatoes, or the meat, or whatever.