Create A Thread For Each Of Your Dogs


Experienced Member
But but all the pics are on the computer upstairs and it soooooo cold there :(

Okee okee.. I will try something out then :)


Honored Member
I still have to create a profile for Shivon :(... I am ashamed of myself:oops:

I will, really soon!!! I promise!!
We'll hold you to that!!!!!!!!! Shivon is feeling VERY deprived!:p Poor gal, no profile, how embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL you should feel very ashamed, no click/treat for you!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Please create one thread in this forum for each of your dog. Try to name the thread as: DOG'S NAME - BREED if at all possible.

You may include any information about your dog as you'd like, this can be:

- Age
- Sex
- Favorite Food
- List of Tricks
- Videos
- Photos
- Toys
- Habits
- Problems
- Strengths
- Temperament
- And anything else you'd like us to know!

You are able to edit your post anytime that you want, so feel free to come back often to edit your dog's thread/profile.

Taught your dog a new trick? Then don't forget to update your dog's trick list. :)


Well-Known Member
Bear- Golden Retriever
4 years old, Male
Likes cheese and dog food.
Has a toy we call the Bird.
Bear can sit, come, lie down, roll over, play dead, beg, fetch and fetch the leash.
Likes to dig a lot and sometimes gets out.
Very obedient. Likes to please me. He knows when he is in trouble and learns from it.
Very sweet. Has a good tolorence of little kids.


Well-Known Member
Buddy- Labradoodle
12 weeks old, Male
Likes dog food and bones
Has a bone, a ball and a kong.
Buddy can come, sit, and we are working on lying down.
Likes to puppy bite and beat up Bear.
Very sweet and adorable. Has a short attention span.


Buddha, the american pittbull

I'm 19 months old, male.
I loves all type of food but i have some skin reactions sometimes so my owner keeps me on specialized food and treats.
I don't know that much tricks. Not really my fault but i'm willing to learn.
I love every chew toys available and my kong.
My owner says i love the cats too much. What i love to do is grab a kitty, bring it in my cage and wash it. I don't do anything wrong. I just want to make sure it's clean.
I have all kinds of problems but less than 4 months ago. Again not my fault. I wasn't well socialized b my first owner. He wanted me to become a fighting dog. I wasn't mean enough so he wanted to get rid of me. Someone got me out of there, and here I am. At first, i was scared of cars, people, umbrellas, wind, rain, big stuff on the side of streets lime furniture, garbage cans, anything that was strange looking to me. She had to hold me tight so I run away. I pulled a lot on the leash. Nobody ever told me how to walk on leash.
I'm a very nice dog that loves to be hug and ti cuddle with my owner in bed. Just love kids.



Taffy, the three-legged staffordshire terrier

I'm about 3 years old, the age is approximate because I was found stray with a broken hind leg
I'm a female spayed.
I don't know that much tricks but I know the basics.
I love chewable bones.
I had the bad habit to chase the cats. I finally understood that they were as important as me to my owner. But as for the stray, that's another story.
I have a tendency to be dominant with small dogs I don't know. At the dog park, I often have time out to calm down, and on walk I want to go see them. On walk I overreact sometimes when Buddha starts playing with the leash and then I get all excited. With the cold weather and the snow, I'm walked with Buddha but I thinking my owner will try walking us one by one when the weather will be more clement.
I'm good with children. I love them.



VIP Silver Member
Please create one thread in this forum for each of your dog. Try to name the thread as: DOG'S NAME - BREED if at all possible.

You may include any information about your dog as you'd like, this can be:

- Age
- Sex
- Favorite Food
- List of Tricks
- Videos
- Photos
- Toys
- Habits
- Problems
- Strengths
- Temperament
- And anything else you'd like us to know!

You are able to edit your post anytime that you want, so feel free to come back often to edit your dog's thread/profile.

Taught your dog a new trick? Then don't forget to update your dog's trick list. :)

how do i edit a post?