Chloe The Border Collie


Experienced Member
Alright, I'm going to try to make a list of Chloe's tricks here (Mostly for my sake, since I can never remember what tricks she knows!) this will probably need to be under construction, since I'm sure I won't be able to remember all of her tricks right now. (I swear she has a better memory than me! ;) )

1. Sit
2. Lie down
3. Stand
4. Stay
5. Shake (both paws)
6. Bow
7. Play dead
8. Roll over
9. Come
10. spin (both ways)
11. Heel (both sides)
12. Heel between my legs (forwards and backwards)
13. Reverse (Spins around and goes backwards between my legs)
14. Jump through my arms
15. Jump through my legs
16. Jump over my knee
17. Tunnel
18. Agility jumps
19. Dog walk
20. A-frame
21. Teeter
22. Pause table
23. Weave poles
24. Back up
25. Heel backwards
26. Back onto objects (beginning of handstand, we've just never progressed past that point)
27. Back up the stairs
28. Put away your toys
29. Get a snack from the fridge (Open fridge, bring me snack, close fridge)
30. Do the dishes (put dishes in dishwasher then close the rack)
31. Close the door
32. Do the laundry
33. Put magnets on the fridge
34. Cross your paws
35. Sit pretty
36. Retrieve dumbell
37. Hold objects
38. "Bring me something" (Game we play where I say bring me something and she starts bringing me random items from around the house)
39. Kennel up
40. Go to bed
41. Hold hotdog (or other food) in her mouth (without eating it) then give it back (she isn't too fond of this one ;) )
42. Take off my socks
43. Untie my shoes
44. Watch me
45. Speak
46. Wave
47. Kisses
48. Jump up
49. Serve as a jump for the cat (for those moments when you want to practice jumping with Mia and don't have ready access to an agility jump, we use Chloe as a jump :D )
50. Swing
51. Around
52. Catch frisbee
53. Walk on loose leash
54. Off-leash walking
55. Dig
56. Limp
57. Take it
58. Drop it
59. Balance treat (or object) on nose and catch it
60. Head down
61. Back in circles around me

That's all I can think of at the moment, I 'll probably be editing it for the next few days when I think of more. And I just realized Chloe reached the 50 trick line! :D


Honored Member
And I just realized Chloe reached the 50 trick line! :D
That's brilliant Kassidy and Chloe! You must have edited because you have over 60 tricks now (y)(y)(y)(y)

As Zac's got about the same number of tricks shall we head for 75 as our next target together? Zac's working on walking sideways at the moment, you could try that too if you like - it can be proofed into all kinds of variations (Zac explained that to me very carefully because I hadn't realised :rolleyes: ).

We're really struggling with heel backwards because he keeps backing behind me and risking getting trodden on, is that something Chloe ever did? If so how did you fix it? I'm thinking it is best to go back to tiny increments until he gets the idea - we were working on it yesterday and he suddenly stood on his hind legs and ran backwards beside me, that isn't even one of his tricks and I didn't know he could but he didn't get trodden on! I love it when dogs surprise us.

I'm sorry I'm late commenting, I don't know how I missed seeing your post here until now.


Experienced Member
That's brilliant Kassidy and Chloe! You must have edited because you have over 60 tricks now (y)(y)(y)(y)

As Zac's got about the same number of tricks shall we head for 75 as our next target together? Zac's working on walking sideways at the moment, you could try that too if you like - it can be proofed into all kinds of variations (Zac explained that to me very carefully because I hadn't realised :rolleyes: ).

We're really struggling with heel backwards because he keeps backing behind me and risking getting trodden on, is that something Chloe ever did? If so how did you fix it? I'm thinking it is best to go back to tiny increments until he gets the idea - we were working on it yesterday and he suddenly stood on his hind legs and ran backwards beside me, that isn't even one of his tricks and I didn't know he could but he didn't get trodden on! I love it when dogs surprise us.

I'm sorry I'm late commenting, I don't know how I missed seeing your post here until now.
Chloe still does this a little bit, I just had to go back a little bit at a time, like you said. Though she's still not perfect, but she's good enough for me to consider it a trick lol. :p