Hi to you all, i'm the proud owner of a about 3 year old three-legged staffordshire and a 18months old american pittbull. The reason why i'm interested in training my dogs is to be able to change the faith of the bullies. I'd like to show people that those dogs are as much adorable and nice dogs as other breeds are. I had a border mixed lab and she was the craziest dog j've ever known. Today, i realized the mistakes i did with her and i don't to reproduce them with my bullies. I want to be able to activities with them. Of course, my three-legged girl is a bit slowed down by her handicap but she feels as much happy and alive as my four-legged pitt. She has her carrier for long walks and she likes to ride along when she gets tired. I want to do activities such as agility, flyball, dancing, biking, hiking with them. Most of all, i'd wish to educate people about not all the bullies are dangerous and mean. It's often the person at the end of the lead the problem. Both are rescue dogs and they are the sweetest of dogs and my oldest grandchild best friend. At 2 years old, he does whatever he wants with them and they never growls or snarls at him. Patience is the first word that comes to my mind when i sees him with them. I just love my bullies.
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