Here's my speech, I hope you guys like it
I had to copy it because it wouldn't let me attach the file. Feel free to give me your opinion it'll help me improve my writing. I had to give this speech in front of the classroom I'm horribly shy when it comes to people I don't know so I was shaking(I really hate talking in front of people it's torcher
). Thanks for your helpful links, pictures and suggestions.
Danielle Evans
JR. America Language Arts
Stop Banning Dog Breeds
Is it okay to ban a certain breed of dog? Would you be okay if a certain ethnic group of people where banned? For me the answer is no. Whether it is dog or person, no one has the right to classify them as vicious, and mean. “Pit Bull” breeds are the most commonly banned breed, because they are so called vicious and a danger to the public. Yes, when they bite it causes more damage than a Chihuahua. Does that mean that all “Pit Bull” breeds are vicious? Ask an owner of a “Pit Bull”, Rottweiler, German Shepherds, or any other banned breed. Try telling a little kid that their best friend is vicious, the one that lets them tug on their ears, fall asleep on them, the one that alerts their parents that they’re having a seizure. I’m sure that a good bit of those owners will tell you their dogs are sweet as can be; well they might lick you to death. Watch out you wouldn't want that to happen!
To protect the public from these so called vicious dogs some Countries, States, and cities have banned or restricted certain breeds of dogs. It’s called Breed Specific Legislation also known as BSL. A banned breed usually requires that all dogs of a certain appearance to be removed from the area that it has been banned. After it is put in place dogs that are identified as banned breeds are killed, a few lucky ones are relocated. Banned breeds that are grandfathered in are allowed to stay, but have restrictions. Some of the restrictions are muzzle the dog, Spay/Neuter, make the dog wear a vicious dog tag. If you own one of these beautiful dogs you’ll have to look into their begging eyes as you muzzle them so they can go on a walk, you’ll watch as their wagging tail drops when a parent pulls away there kid who is petting them. They don’t understand why no one pets them anymore, why they have to wear and muzzle.
BSL is supposed to reduce the number of injures to people from “vicious” breeds. Does it? In the United Kingdom BSL was put in place in 1991. In 2008 it was reported that the number of people hospitalized for dog attacks increased by 50%! Yes, 50% more people were hospitalized after BSL was put in place. Obviously banning a certain breed does not “protect the public”! In the U.S. in 2011 71% of people were fatally attacked by a “Pit Bull” breed, 13% by Rottweiler’s. Once again this is after BSL was put in place in some cities and states.
“Punish the deed, not the breed” ~Unknown~ I’m not saying there aren’t vicious “Pit Bulls”, German Shepherds, or Rottweilers. I know there are, but the majority of them are owned by irresponsible people. I say educate parents about safety with family pets and not leaving their children alone with them. Children need to be taught not to tease animals, approach them without permission, and stay away from fenced or chained animals. Owners need to be taught to socialize and train their dogs, and that under no circumstances should a dog be roaming the neighborhood. There is a leash law! If we the public work together we can make our children, our communities a safe place by educating the public on safety around dogs, and writing laws that will hold owners responsible for their animals actions, not the dog.