Honored Member
First Paige is absolutely ADORABLE LOVE HERBoy am I exhausted this morning! Crate training is no fun. Woke up at 1am, took her out to poddy came back in at 2, then back out again at 6am and in again at 7 (she gets play time after she goes). I am up for the day and enjoying my coffee while enjoying the satisfaction of having tired her out. She's a sleeping fur ball all cuddled up with her stuffed bear and I'm slightly jealous. I need a nap too. Overall lesson, I am crazy for doing this. At one point throughout the night, i woke up after a dream that I should've mixed water in with her food. Then after I had taken her out and put her back in, I got worried because she went quiet in her crate so fast! I thought she might've choked on her blanket so I get up to go peek at her, she's just laying there, flopping around, getting comfortable. Fellow puppy Mom's, I am a bundle of nerves and so worried about messing this up! Please lend some sound advice! I love her, I want her raised to be a balanced dog which will not happen if I can't stop worrying about every move I make! Yikes. View attachment 2791View attachment 2792

Welcome to Puppy Land and new 'Puppy Mom Syndrome'. It's perfectly natural and normal to experience all those emotions, in fact, if you didn't then we may all start to worry!

I'm always a nervous wreck when I first get a new puppy, lack of sleep of course goes with the territory and doesn't help. Wondering if they're o.k. when they're quiet (instead of thanking our lucky stars). Worrying about doing the right thing by them. It's all part of the experience, even if you're an experienced Puppy Mom.
The big thing to remember is, we've all made mistakes, done things we think OMG that wasn't right. But the biggest and most important things to remember are, LOVE AND PATIENCE, never scold, hit or abuse (which I know you won't do

Take training at Paige's pace, whatever that is, she'll show you herself and accept it if she's a scatterbrain, some of the best puppies I've ever had or trained were scatterbrains at first. Make sure she knows you've always 'got her back' in new strange surroundings. Things which we take for granted can be scary to a youngster, like with Leaf, dogs barking behind a fence terrified her, but I along with her Big Bros Zeus who was totally amazing, helped her to understand they weren't as scary as she thought. Plenty of treats, taking it easy, not forcing her to pass - though Zeus helped here by putting himself next to the 'scary dog fence' and slowly walking past - does help to have such a loving Big Bro.
Research diet, it's very important, I feed raw and home made meals (cooked in a crock pot).
Check your vets, you need ones who care not just for Paige but consider your feelings as well. Very important a good vet!
A good Positive Reinforcement Doggy School and please Puppy School, it's amazing how much this helps the new puppy and, in some ways more importantly, a new Puppy Mom.
Make sure her toys are all 'puppy safe', no bits which can be swallowed. Kong toys are great and pretty tough too.
Socialize her, but don't force her into situations which may scare her, take it easy. To a new Puppy the world's a big, wide place to be explored, but it can be scary too, so make sure you take her baby steps at a time. Some puppies are full of confidence, my beautiful Rakins was, others like Leaf need a helping 'paw' to gain confidence.
And above all HAVE FUN, they're only wee puppies for such a short time. You'll be fine and any specific problems you may have, feel free to start a new post. ENJOY PAIGE she's just adorable.