Here is an example of an amazing moment i got using dog language. This was the day i decided using 'dog language' on my dog was the way to go for *my* dog.
Buddy has 4 types of reactions, and Buddy's "chihuahua reaction" is one of his Most dramatic. This "chihuahua"
reaction is given to all skinney, short haired dogs, like MinPins, etc. Buddy grew up in a rat infested barn, with rats being his only entertainment ever, so maybe skinny dogs trigger this dramatic thing in my dog, who knows?
I suspect this particular reaction has some type of predator/prey thing mixed in with his dog-aggression, and it is horrible to watch, IF Buddy is even allowed to have the reaction---------he almost resembles a seizure,
just wild eyed,
whirling dervish, outa his mind, just horrible, horrible, horrible, making just
UGLY blood curdling sounds that sound like from another world.
Buddy is SO outa control during his "chihuahu" reaction, that Buddy does not usually even move TOWARDS the other dog, but, instead, just whirls about like a
crazy dog....weirdest thing.
So, we are walking along, and up ahead, is a yard, with three----------count
them THREE-----, chihuahuas in the front yard ahead, and all 3 are barking away at Buddy's approach. My dog is also MORE likely to have trouble not reacting if
there are MULTIPLE dogs (BUddy is better with one dog at a time usually, so this
is REAL challenge for *my* dog).
I pull Buddy aside, and have him sit, and "look at me". Buddy has NOT yet begun
to react yet....not yet...
I offer him a big noisey yawn, and slow blinks. BUddy slow blinks back to me,
and turns his face away.
We take several more steps towards the yard full of chihuahuas who are leaping
and barking their heads off in protest of my dog coming along.
We are now in front of the yard NEXT to the yard of chihuahuas, who continue to
leap about and bark.
Again, to be sure, knowing Buddy has a very severe thing about chihuahuas, to be
safe, i again, pull Buddy over to the side, and ask him to sit, "look at me"
(JUST so that Buddy can SEE my cues to him---NOT to keep him focused on me
nonstop) and while Buddy looks at me---i offer Buddy fairly noisey yawns and
slow blinks. These are dog language for "calm down".
Buddy NOW stands up, takes a step or two to position himself, and pushes his
nose down into the grass. I smile hugely
and do nothing.
He is now telling the chihuahuas to "calm down, i'm no threat, i'm just over
here minding my own business" kinda thing.
Buddy is giving the chihuahuas his famous "fake sniff". My heart is beating
fast with joy, cuz Buddy's 'fake sniff' always works. I do nothing, i stand and
I can tell it is a Fake Sniff,
Buddy is doing this in response to seeing another dog,
Buddy keeps his Side towards the other dog,
does not inhale deeply,
does not blow out and re-sniff,
does not move about to follow the scent,
does not take one step,
..............just stands there, like a dog statue, with his nose pushed down
into the grass.
We stand there a while, while BUddy does his 'fake sniff' pose.....AMAZINGLY,
the other 3 chihuahua dogs see BUddy's "message", and ALL THREE sit down, and
stop barking.
Once the other 3 dogs have stopped barking, Buddy begins to walk along, his nose
to the ground,
and continues walking in this pose,
right past the 3 chihuahuas, who all sit respectfully while my dog walks by
their yard.......not a peep outa the other dogs.
My heart is beating so fast, i almost have tears in my eyes. NOw, to any
onlooker, it just like an ordinary moment, just looks like some lady walking her
dog, while 3 other dogs watch. But to me, it felt like we'd climbed Mount Everest.
Having an aggressive dog might be difficult, but, i never felt joy like this
walking my 'normal' dogs, ha ha!! So there ARE REWARDS that we who love
'special' dogs can enjoy, that those with 'normal' dogs might miss out
on....moments like this one.
This was first time i'd ever really used 'dog language', and this story is old
story now, but i remember I almost ran home, and told my guy, "Honey, i just
talked 'dog' to BUddy, and Buddy agreed!" My guy could NOT believe our Buddy
walked by three chihuahuas!! AND got THEM to 'calm down' too!!!!!!!!!!!
(continued below)