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Going to be offline for almost 2 weeks after tonight. To everyone doing the trick challenge - good luck and I will catch up when I get back!
LOVE the avatar!
Reactions: running_dog
Helps if the dog is black too as it makes them stand out - especially if you crouch down to get a low camera angle that puts them against the sky.
Thanks for the tips! It is brill with digital now. Not worrying about wasting film!
So you are spray painting Ripley black now...

I forgot too mention when the dog is running you can pan the camera round with the dog's movement as you take the photo. It means the dog is more likely to stay in focus.
Hi Ripleygirl: Just wondering... how did you teach the "wink" trick? I was trying to teach it to Missy a while back, but didn't get anywhere... help? :)
Honestly with a huge amount of patience...! She naturally winks quite a lot so armed with my clicker and treats worked on clicking the exact moment she winked but ignored any blink. I took quite a long time... But she got it eventually and then I added the cue to it Sorry this is not more technical and exact but she did get it eventually. Hope this might help!
Thanks for your help! Missy sort of just sits and stares at me normally when I do free shaping sessions. LOL I will try teaching her this trick again soon. Thanks again!
LOL! I get that sit and stare quite a lot too! I think sometimes it is just Ripley's cogs turning and it just is gonna take longer for her to 'get' and then sometimes it is just a sit and stare and her saying I really just don't get it and may never get it!
I really feel for your previous girl - and you guys going through what you said in the 'english girls' post with her. I didn't really feel it was right to just 'like' your post there so thought I would message you on your profile. Just glad that she had love from you and your family for her latter years. Beth
Reactions: brodys_mom
Thank you. We still tear up every time we talk about it. She was such a great dog, we can't imagine why anyone would ever hit her.
Thank you so much for the comment on my Profile Page. I've missed everyone so much and been thinking about you. Things are, hopefully, back on track again. Zeus' legs are a bit 'off' but other than that he's really doing well and Leaf is absolutely fine. Hope you're all doing well too. Again, thanks for caring. Mary, Leaf and Zeus
Hey, you haven't been around for about 2 months now. I hope you, the dogs and your family are all okay. Hope to hear from you soon. Danielle
Reactions: MaryK
We're all O.K. just the computer and with my almost ex partner still not working, it's been a bit tough. But we're back now and thank you so much for caring. Zeus is fine, just a wee spot of bother with his hind legs, and Leaf is doing really well.
Feeling down... Don't know how to deal with her Frustration-Elicited Agression when we stop rewarding everything that she presents us.
Hi MaryK. Just recently I've been thinking alot about you and wondering how you are.
Hope all is well...Would be great to hear from you again..
Take Care...Sarah K