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  • Hey all! I'm back! Will try and catch up the trick challenge and everything else tomorrow!
    Going to be offline for almost 2 weeks after tonight. To everyone doing the trick challenge - good luck and I will catch up when I get back!
    Hi Ripleygirl: Just wondering... how did you teach the "wink" trick? I was trying to teach it to Missy a while back, but didn't get anywhere... help? :)
    Honestly with a huge amount of patience...! She naturally winks quite a lot so armed with my clicker and treats worked on clicking the exact moment she winked but ignored any blink. I took quite a long time... But she got it eventually and then I added the cue to it Sorry this is not more technical and exact but she did get it eventually. Hope this might help!
    Thanks for your help! Missy sort of just sits and stares at me normally when I do free shaping sessions. LOL I will try teaching her this trick again soon. Thanks again!
    LOL! I get that sit and stare quite a lot too! I think sometimes it is just Ripley's cogs turning and it just is gonna take longer for her to 'get' and then sometimes it is just a sit and stare and her saying I really just don't get it and may never get it!
    I LOVE your signature!!!!! How did you get the pics??? ;)
    Thanks. I took them on a high shutter speed on my camera to take the pictures quickly, I then cropped them so they only just over lap, picture to picture, then used Serif PanaramaPlus X4 to stitch them together and Photoshop 7 to fill in some of the edges to make the picture square. Its great for wide landscapes that you cannot fit into one picture too.
    Thanks for the info!!! I will use it sometime... I just have to work out the shutter speed on this thing (my camera)...
    Ripley is gorgeous! You are so lucky to live in Wales, We go there every year lol
    Reactions: Dogster
    Lovely (if the weather is fair to you while you're in Wales). I haven't been to Stackpole but Pembroke area is all gorgeous. Tenby is a beautiful little fishing village on your way to Stackpole which is very pretty and worth a stop off if you've time.
    Teddy Weddy
    Teddy Weddy
    Oh yeah we visited Tenby last year, very cute village, we loved it! :) All the beaches are amazing around Wales, I don't think i want to ever not go to Wales for holiday lol
    1 week to go :)
    Hope you really enjoy again! I came to wales having grown up in Milton Keynes, about as far away from the sea as you can get in any direction in the UK and just love the beaches in wales! I don't ever want to live anywhere else...!!
    Welcome to DTA!!!!! Is that your dog in the picture??? What breed is she???? She looks adorable!!!! (;
    Thanks, Dogster, she is a Malamute x Boxer. We rescued her when she was 18months old having had no training up to then what so ever, we have had her 10months now and she is doing really well - obedience was key firstly and recall training but know she is good at that I can start working on trick training too! I have always had border collies before so she is a different challenge but she is doing really well!
    I rescued Shivon too!!!! From the Toronto Humane Society, in march of 2011, when she was two months old. We still need to practice recall :rolleyes: .
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