southerngirl May 5, 2014 When a dog spends more time growling that wagging his tail I feel that it's his time.. if only my mom would agree.
When a dog spends more time growling that wagging his tail I feel that it's his time.. if only my mom would agree.
southerngirl Apr 23, 2014 I don't have internet at home and don't know when it'll be turned back on. I'm on my schools wifi right now.
I don't have internet at home and don't know when it'll be turned back on. I'm on my schools wifi right now.
southerngirl Mar 4, 2014 Missy is now 8 years old!! According to what I've heard and seen she is now a "Senior" but I don't consider her one,.
Missy is now 8 years old!! According to what I've heard and seen she is now a "Senior" but I don't consider her one,.
southerngirl Jan 17, 2014 My high school graduation date has been announced May 23, 2014. I can't wait!!!!
southerngirl Sep 14, 2013 Piper is getting spayed on Tuesday. It's going to be hard to keep her calm. She'll probably end up with a Elizabeth Collar, she licks a lot.
Piper is getting spayed on Tuesday. It's going to be hard to keep her calm. She'll probably end up with a Elizabeth Collar, she licks a lot.
southerngirl Aug 12, 2013 Chase is becoming a danger to my little brother. If he bites my lil bro and breaks skin he is done.
southerngirl Jul 29, 2013 Me and my Family are falling in love with this puppy. The owner needs to reclaim her already.