Training Methods?


Active Member
I do not want to start a huge argument, that being said I am wondering what methods people use here. I have seen some different methods discussed.

Is this a "balanced" training website, or does it tend to sway one way or another?

Melinda and Thor


Active Member
Some sites I go to seem to have two sides that argue about training methods. Some are more for the dominance theory, and others are for the operant conditioning and whatnot.

It gets old and some of the harsher methods are triggering for me and I like to avoid them.

Adrianna & Calvin

Experienced Member
Just curious ... what do you mean by a "balanced" site?
The term 'balanced training' has been taken on by people who use both positive reinforcement and positive punishment; there is usually a lot of blather about how they use positive reinforcement plus 'consequences' for the dog. As if there are no consequences for dogs trained with reward-based methods. It's a strawman argument and very boring. They also say that every dog is different, so unless you've trained XYZ dog/dog breed you can't say squat; that they use a variety of methods to suit the dog and the situation, etc.

For a more critical look at the doubletalk, check out:


Active Member
Those are great articles, thanks! I especially like the second one. I understand that all dogs are different, but I do know that most respond to one style of training better than the other.


Honored Member
Definitely not balanced trainers. I can testify to the fact that the dominance training doesn't work. Have two dogs, one an older dog suffering from Cushings, which does make him a bit 'grumpy' at times. The other a youngster. At times my youngster will get a bit 'over the top' with my older dog, resulting in a little growling. I just use either my click/treat or if not handy, a quiet 'shush boys' and leave them alone. All the anger vanishes and both lie quietly down.

Partner is still a bit 'old school' leader of the pack. Strides in yelling and bellowing at both dogs. Result the anger issues escalate into, as happened the other night, almost a fight situation.

So much for the 'leader of the pack' - it just doesn't work, not at all, not one bit! Positive Reinforcement Training is the ONLY right way to train a dog. And hopefully misguided partners!


Experienced Member
Positive of course. But I must admit to verbally 'correcting' my dog when she gets herself into potentially dangerous situations. Aka, nipping at my horses hind feet. The horses tend not to appreciate the crazy little ball of black and white when she does that..

Tâmara Vaz

Experienced Member
As I see my horses not many times, I decided to stay with horses or with Laika. Laika has no idea horses can kick...
I must admit ,also, to verbally 'correcting' my dog sometimes, but I don't think this makes us no positives....