I had access to a shopping cart for a few hours when I took Sundog to a Pet Expo. The key was that the shopping cart was sized appropriately and she learned it very quickly. I think your shopping cart might be too small and Shivon might not be comfortable standing with her paws on it?I'm starting the shopping cart trick with Shivon!!!!She only does it from a sitting position, but we're working on it!!!! This was her first session:
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If anyone has any ideas as to how to teach this from a standing position, or brags, or anythingfeel free to post!!!!
Oh, I forgot to mention that you might want to try it on carpet? If it rolls a bit less easily, Shivon will feel more control. She'll be able to get a better feel for the standing position. I'm glad to see a weight in there. Otherwise, she might flip it. Sundog almost flipped the one that was sized closer to her a couple of times, but luckily I kept contact with it and prevented that.I'm starting the shopping cart trick with Shivon!!!!She only does it from a sitting position, but we're working on it!!!! This was her first session:
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If anyone has any ideas as to how to teach this from a standing position, or brags, or anythingfeel free to post!!!!