Recall Words


Experienced Member
We just started Susan Garrett's course Recallers, and she wants us to use a recall cue that we haven't used before. I already poisoned "come", "here", and "com'ere". Any ideas of other words? I'm not a creative type, I need you creative folks to help! :p


Staff member
Like Running_dog, I tend to use the dog's name and length it. "Kraayyy-tooes" or just simply "Dogs!". You could have your dog recall to pickle for all they care as long as your consistent. When I was assisting in puppy classes we had someone with the recall word "Yahoo!", another was "To me!", another was "Accio!". My personal favorite was "Oh, S***!"....Well we did say to pick something that you would remember in an emergency.

For competition, however I use the phonetic letter for each dog. So recall word for Kratos is "Bravo", Jinx is "Charlie" and Isis is "Delta". Next puppy will be "Echo"


Honored Member
Like Running_dog, I tend to use the dog's name and length it. "Kraayyy-tooes" or just simply "Dogs!". You could have your dog recall to pickle for all they care as long as your consistent. When I was assisting in puppy classes we had someone with the recall word "Yahoo!", another was "To me!", another was "Accio!". My personal favorite was "Oh, S***!"....Well we did say to pick something that you would remember in an emergency.

For competition, however I use the phonetic letter for each dog. So recall word for Kratos is "Bravo", Jinx is "Charlie" and Isis is "Delta". Next puppy will be "Echo"
I'm curious about the use of phonetic letters. Why have you chosen to do this?

In competition with Holly I use "front" (or sometimes "Holly, front" which is what our trainer prefers) for a straight forward "special beginner" or "novice" recall (eg, sit dog, walk away, turn to face dog, dog recalls to sit in front of you, finish).
For "Test A" (recall into heel while walking away from dog) I put my left hand up and say "Hol-ly" (in some what of a sing-song voice I guess - the hand movement will disappear eventually).

Lewis will be/is the same but with his name replacing Holly's.

At the park I usually don't have to call them at all (they know when I want them, usually I just get their leash's out of my pocket, Lewis usually doesn't go far anyway), or their names ("Holly", "Lewis") or I add a "come" (eg, "Holly come"). I guess I'm not too consistent with the informal recalls :whistle:

So why are you using something completely different for your obedience recalls? is it just to create a complete seperation from informal recalls or am I over looking something?


Staff member
I'm curious about the use of phonetic letters. Why have you chosen to do this?

So why are you using something completely different for your obedience recalls? is it just to create a complete seperation from informal recalls or am I over looking something?

In obedience , I don't use the dog's name. It's just something that I've continued over from Conformation where it's frowned upon so that's was out. I used to use "Come" but when I had Moose recall to someone else's command twice I decided to change it.

But outside the ring, it's mostly just a separation of informal and formal.