Please Vote


Honored Member
Voted:D Thanks for the tip, I spent a while looking for Piper, then saw your post DUH should have read all the posts first.:oops:

Good luck, you deserve to win! And Piper's photo is just too cute for words!:love:


Honored Member
Couldn't get away with 'double voting':(
But I've shared the link on my FaceBook page and asked everyone to get behind you and vote for Piper. Hope it helps as she's only 2, or maybe one not sure if they show my vote yet, behind the leader.


Honored Member
I'm really really sorry I can't vote, I think I would have to set up a whole new facebook account as I only have a business page. I've tried to find how to like as myself and not my page but I can't figure it out :(.


Honored Member
Running Dog, I don't think you can just like yourself without having a separate account from your business page. FaceBook can be so frustrating at times.:confused: