Welcome to the Academy!!
I'm a BC owner and lover myself. ^^ The Border Collie in Pixie needs loooots of mental/physical stimulation, and trick-training is a wonderful way to wear her out mentally. My own BC knows over 40 commands, and still learns more everyday. She really enjoys our training and her tricks are both great entertainment and just a good way to enhance our bond. The classroom will help you learn about the basics of training and how to use positive reinforcement to teach your BC mix.
The monthly challenge forum should give you lots of ideas for new tricks, and just surfing the lounge should help you a lot. It's imperitive that Pixie gets plenty of exercise as well--and not just running laps in the backyard. Border Collies are very high energy dogs, and even though she's only partially BC, she's likely to have the high drive of these wonderful workaholics. All of my dogs are fairly young, so my BC, my BC/Australian Cattle Dog, and my Rottie mix don't mind the activity one bit. ^^
You should find this site very helpful. There are many BC owners here. If you have any questions or run into any problems, feel free to post it in the lounge. We have many active members who are quick to answer questions. Welcome, good luck, and enjoy the site!!