do you have a nice crate for him? you really need a crate to do this faster and easier. most likely he will not poop in that crate if it’s just big enough for him to stand, turn around, and reposition being able to stretch out a little. much bigger and he might poop on one end and go sleep on the other. it is your job to know when he needs to poop to so you can time it right. he needs to not be given the opportunity to poop and not be left his crate really needing to poop. a puppy doxie needs to pee every couple of hours if he's quiet and poop 2-5 times a day depending on diet and the dog.
block off underneath ur bed with big non chewable plastic bins or milk crates or plywood and stop him from pooping there again period. use big and not chewable things so that he can't hurt himself. really cleaning that poo with enzymatic cleaner esp for urine and feces smell removal like natures little miracle sold at pet stores is critical. you'll probably need to move the bed out and really clean. a little smell can entice a dog to remark for years. they do cut wood to size at home improvement stores or some short doggie gates would work. There are loads of cheap ones if you hunt around. Especially a short one for just by your bed.
has he ever been scolded for potty in the house by anyone? that might be why he's hiding under the bed. because he associates unhappy stuffy with potty not fun and praise and rewards. you can change that easy enough. just another guess.
one way to test when he needs to poop is to feed and exercise him on a strict schedule then pees and poops will happen on a schedule. if you can commit to a regular walk time this can help. if not right now since it's cold then commit to an indoor play time like a tuggie toy or training tricks anything that gets him moving. after that go out on a poop walk in the yard. also when I take them on a walk I repeat "outside?" over and over so they associate going out with that word. later i can ask them if they seem anxious "outside?" and if they come to me I know they do want to go outside. I don't use "outside" for play.
if you start on a weekend with the schedule, get up potty and while he goes repeat your potty cue over and over and over. when he's done praise and reward with good meat or cheese treats and make a big deal of it puppies love drama. Then if you aren't able to watch 100% then give him a little treat in his crate and wait an hour and walk again. walk on leash every hour or when puppy circles or whines or look anxious. stay out for about 5 minutes or less on leash walking slow in ur yard no play just boring. If nothing happens just calmly walk back in without a word. put a small treat in the crate and crate puppy for another 30-60 minutes depending on how long it's been and if you think he MUST need to go or if acts anxious.
if you want to go out and play you can come in from a potty walk and turn right around to go out to play. what you don't want is puppy thinking the longer he waits the more play he gets. so the two activities are separated. then you write down the pee and poop times. just don't do hard exercise within an hour of eating to avoid bloat which requires surgery and can be fatal. though it's mostly big deep chested dogs at risk and doxies are low risk it is still safer to avoid.
Poop happens with most dog’s right after waking up, right after eating, and after or during exercise/excitement because exercise is a poop stimulant. So always walk him then regardless. If you know puppy must need to poop and you need to leave maybe a little run around the yard on leash or out front on leash might help spark the need. Pretty soon you'll be able to predict within 30 minutes or so when he needs to go and if you have a go on command down then you're set. once they know the command if the sort of need to they'll go and you can go on about your schedule.
a predictable schedule for me when my dog was your pup's age was this. wake up at 6 and go straight to potty. Usually pee and about half the time poop. Then with a small treat puppy goes back to crate for an hour while i get breakfast etc. After I eat she usually needs to pee and poop. The she eats and goes right back out to pee again. Then we come in and when I watch 100% she can stay out but crated otherwise. 100% doesn't mean while on the computer or watching TV b/c you could well miss it.
We have a 3 story house and puppy is gated on the main floor. too much access too fast makes for more accidents. I'm 99% sure she wouldn't go on another floor but why risk all my training and carpet. if she's on the main floor with me and i see her circling or looking anxious I can ask "outside?" if she paws me yes then gooood girl and we go right then with treats in pocket for rewards.
When i leave we potty walk before and after i return. This is why potty on command is so valuable. Even if it's not urgent it would be preferable if pup could go before u leave and be more comfortable and successful. ur pup probably needs a walk at least every two hours ideally if crated. a small dog not crated could go every 15 minutes which is why watching is important.
try getting on a schedule and see how it works. potty training is all about timing. Hang in there. :dogwacko: