Jenny is reactive. Doesn't mean she's aggressive (be it fear or anything else), just that she's reacting to her surrounding. Reactive. Yes. It sounds like she gets a bit too excited when she sees things she likes, can't wait to get to them, needs to be there NOW type thing. And you work with her just like you'd work with 'other' reactive dogs. How old is Jenny? And how long has this been going on? Just curious.
I'm working with a 4 yr old Golden right now, who sounds just like Jenny. We're working on a lot of excercises to learn to self-calm (as she barks at anything that moves: birds, cars, bikes, skateboards, people, dogs, cats, ....) but is so friendly. She just goes into a state of hyper-arousal at the sight of any of the above. It's been a long haul, she's getting better, but still a long way to go. We work on a lot of LAT (look at that), lots of speed feeding thru arousing things when out on walks, I do lots of treat tossing as she gets very snarky (when highly aroused - good measure of her arousal), etc. Every day and every situation is different, we do lots of adjusting along the way (each day), she's made lots of progress over the last several months - with lots left to go.