Hi, I'm from Long Island NY and have a Siberian Husky. We are going for our CGC
makita New Member Jul 19, 2013 #1 Hi, I'm from Long Island NY and have a Siberian Husky. We are going for our CGC Attachments JOHNSON-019.JPG 1.4 MB Views: 18
sara Moderator Staff member Jul 19, 2013 #2 Gorgeous! Welcome to the DTA! Any questions, just let us know
648117 Honored Member Jul 23, 2013 #5 Welcome. I'm going to go for Holly's CGC next time they have a test in my city (probably in September). Good luck!
Welcome. I'm going to go for Holly's CGC next time they have a test in my city (probably in September). Good luck!
MaryK Honored Member Jul 27, 2013 #7 Welcome your dog's stunning!!!!! My puppy will be going for her GCA once she's gone through the lower ranks Good luck, and any questions just jump in and ask, you'll get loads of help here.
Welcome your dog's stunning!!!!! My puppy will be going for her GCA once she's gone through the lower ranks Good luck, and any questions just jump in and ask, you'll get loads of help here.