ONe thing, though, is any behavior, which you reward ------------like, if Dog "asks" you to get up to let him out, ----------and you
DO,----------- is like
a 100% chance, he
will ask you again tomorrow night, too...
............if you are SURE he does not need to go out to pee, and you DO seem sure of that, then, you *might* want to consider ignoring his 'request'........yes, yes, he will probably whine and fuss some, but, after one or two nights of no reply from you/ no getting up to let him go out, well, he will give up..
Here's another idea---HOW TO MAKE YOUR DOG
LOVE his crate:
(crates can't ever ever be used as punishment, though, if you want your dog to LOVE his crate..)
but, stand by, someone else might have better insight into other ideas. at any rate, it sounds like you DO HAVE A VERY SMART DOG!!!!
Also, have you tried a good
long late-evening walk? *Might* help tire him out, burn off unspent energy he has built up, so he doesn't get
so antsy at night.....??? My dog, if he has boring day, if he did not get enough chances to burn up his daily allotment of energy,
he WILL run laps inside the house......zooming around
and around
and's like my dog has $10 of energy to spend every day.
and if it is approaching bedtime,
and Buddy realizes he
still has $3 of energy left to spend,
he WILL have to find some way to spend that $3 before he can lie down to sleep....
just a thought...BEST OF LUCK!! HOPE SOMEONE KNOWS JUST WHAT TO DO, is very interesting thing, though, isn't it??