

New Member
My name is Cindy/Cloie and my 6 month old puppy's name is Spice. I really need help house breaking her. Thanks:msniwonder::msniwonder:


Well-Known Member
Hi Cindy and Spice! Welcome to this great site. I don't get here as often as I'd like, but I do enjoy it very much. I have a collie, have had them all of my life. I live in southern California.

The most important thing with housebreaking is to set up a schedule. Here are some tips:

Always take your puppy out FIRST thing in the morning, before you do anything and LAST thing before bedtime at night.

Always take your puppy out immediately after eating a meal and after playtime periods.

Use a timer or a clock, set it at 30 minutes, and take your puppy out each time the bell rings. If she doesn't relieve herself, just praise her for going outside. As she gets older, you can increase the time. You only need to stay outside with her for a few minutes. Then take her out again every 30 minutes. Learn to read her body language. Play with her a few minutes after she relieves herself.

When a puppy starts circling or sniffing around, pick her up and take her outside FAST.

NEVER leave your pup unattended in the house or even a room at a young age. Make sure they have been well-behaved and trustworthy with their bathroom habits first.

When you can't watch her, put your puppy in a pen, a crate, or in the yard with some toys.

Give your puppy her last meal about 1-2 hours before bedtime, and make sure she goes outside to relieve herself just before she goes to bed. DO NOT let her roam free during the night. She should be confined.

Don't yell at your dog or push her nose in her messes. Yelling will only upset her and may cause her to pee again.

Be sure to clean up the areas in the house where your dog has already messed. Use something that will take away any odor that is there. Dogs will mess again if they can smell the areas.

I hope this helps a little. Good luck and see you on the forum!:msnohyes: