tx_cowgirl;13587 said:
Very cute. ^^ Do you and George compete in freestyle, or just do lots of trick training?
We do HTM/Freestyle and we're not doing too badly. :dogsmile:
snooks;13676 said:
VERY VERY nice. I didn't hear sound but assume this is all voice cues. How did you train? Target stick, lure, shaping with clicker? I'm heading this direction and have the basics down with puppy and better with my 4yo but not near this level. This is some extraordinary precision, focus, and with distractions of person leaving and opening gate with few treats. If you don't get a lot more compliments it's because not enough people know how hard this is to do this well. If you're not doing this in competition you SHOULD be.

Thanks snooks. I took sound off because I don't like the sound of my voice.
I try to use mostly voice cues but usually they're backed up with physical ones which might not be obvious (e.g. just walking towards the box is a cue to get on and turn round).
For training I use lots of luring, shaping and always clicker. I've used a target stick a bit but I don't think I used it for anything in that video.
George has great focus but I did a lot of distraction training a few years ago and its stuck with him (most of the time, we both have off moments).
I just want everyone to know that staffordshire bull terriers
are wonderful and very trainable.