Hello, HERE I AM


New Member
Another pug lover!

Hi! Another pug lover!! I have owned pugs since the early 80's. My first "show pug" was in obedience. Every time I went ringside, or picked up my armbands, people would greet me with.. You are a brave woman showing a pug in obedience! or You have a PUG??!!

No one had told me or Iddy Bit that pugs were not known for their trainablity! Good thing too because she had taken a high in trial. She never got a chance to get her CD, she had a tumor on her side that twined around her uterus and kidneys, the surgery to remove it was very extreme, they had to literally cut her in half and the result was a severe limp, so her showing days were over. :msnsad: But I display that High in Trial ribbon proudly!

I admire you for working with your pugs, you have to know how to train to get pugs to work for you! I would love to see some videos of your kids! :msnohyes:

Welcome to the group! I am new too!