Honored Member
I love to exercise but hate gyms and all that stuff. As I LOVE to dance, have developed a 'new' way to exercise. Nothing new in dance?
Well it is if you also have your dog 'dancing'. No it's not yet 'dances with dogs' but to get Ra Kismet used to Mom doing 'strange moves' he now sits in on my dance session.
Starting with stretches *YAWN FROM RA KISMET IT'S A BIT BORING MOM * I then 'move' onto a slowish number *NOW THAT'S MORE INTERESTING" says Ra Kismet and goes into 'close dance smooch mode"
Which means he puts his paws around my waist and we 'sway and move' a little - he ADORES that it's a "Mommy son time thing"
Upbeat tempo next - dance like you're the only one around - Ra Kismet DID get a bit excited and carried away but now he just lies down and I can 'shimmer' over him, do developes (sorry no French accents on this computer) over him and various other moves. He LOVES it. Do 'head banger' moves like flinging my hair up and down in FRONT OR OVER HIS HEAD and he just lies there, doesn't get antsy or anything.

I am starting to get him, when he DOES MOVE, to 'go between my legs' as I shimmer over him. No fear about that at all - just thinks it's all fun
Basically at this stage it's exercise for me. A chance to 'check' music with future choreography in mind for Ra Kismet and myself when we start 'formal' training and to generally get him to 'accept' odd moves etc.
We do a 'slow down' number of course and he'll do the 'smooch with Mom' again
He's better at that than a lot of the human males, NO groping paws to contend with
We both LOVE that time together and Ra Kismet is SOOOOOOOO good at accepting all the moves.
May have to 'wake him up' a bit when we start to actually 'dance together' - anyone know a good sleepy time number
Will make it more 'formal' soon, then there will be click/treats of course.
And 'proper' choreography
Well it is if you also have your dog 'dancing'. No it's not yet 'dances with dogs' but to get Ra Kismet used to Mom doing 'strange moves' he now sits in on my dance session.
Starting with stretches *YAWN FROM RA KISMET IT'S A BIT BORING MOM * I then 'move' onto a slowish number *NOW THAT'S MORE INTERESTING" says Ra Kismet and goes into 'close dance smooch mode"

Upbeat tempo next - dance like you're the only one around - Ra Kismet DID get a bit excited and carried away but now he just lies down and I can 'shimmer' over him, do developes (sorry no French accents on this computer) over him and various other moves. He LOVES it. Do 'head banger' moves like flinging my hair up and down in FRONT OR OVER HIS HEAD and he just lies there, doesn't get antsy or anything.

I am starting to get him, when he DOES MOVE, to 'go between my legs' as I shimmer over him. No fear about that at all - just thinks it's all fun

Basically at this stage it's exercise for me. A chance to 'check' music with future choreography in mind for Ra Kismet and myself when we start 'formal' training and to generally get him to 'accept' odd moves etc.
We do a 'slow down' number of course and he'll do the 'smooch with Mom' again

We both LOVE that time together and Ra Kismet is SOOOOOOOO good at accepting all the moves.

Will make it more 'formal' soon, then there will be click/treats of course.