Laramie is absolutely right. First, how old is she?
She's 2 years And - the biggest question is: how much training has she had?
Last summer I lived with my boyfriend, and we were apart for a bit. This is when it went bad. So last summer she was awesome. I am big into flyball, agility, ect. She seemed like a different dog. After the few months I wasn't here, and just my boyfriend had her, well she just is not the same. I used to be able to have her off leash and she'd come back everytime I called her. This is the biggest issue right now. And when she does come back I always give big praise, treats, toys, ect. When you call her, what's her incentive to listen to you? When she's off-leash and you call her, is she going to be put on-leash and now the party's over?
I do not do that, although the boyfriend does Cuz if so, there's no incentive to listen -- more fun to be had if her ears are turned off.
Maybe you could work with her on a long-line instead of just being free off-leash, get some fabulous rewards (something like hot dogs, chicken, or something really tasty), and try calling her. When she comes, she gets a reward - and then gets to be free again. Come - reward, go play. Come - reward, go play. She starts getting the idea that when you call, it doesn't always mean the party is over - sometimes you want her just to give her something great - then she gets to go have more fun. Then call her, and surprise her with her favorite toy -
- she wasn't expecting that one! Ok, go play. Repeat, repeat, repeat. And do this off-leash, also. Call her to you - reward - and send her away again. When she's constantly rewarded for coming to you (like you're asking her to), she'll start paying waaaay more attention - as opposed to you calling her when she's just caught the smell of that bunny and oh man, forget it - bunny trumps you every time, cuz you're gonna make her go inside.
I have done this. And on leash, and I do use a long line with her often, she's great. As soon as she's off leash, game over. She turns off her hearing aid and puts her nose to the ground.
You said she's good inside the house and on-leash - of course she is, she's 'trapped' and doesn't have a choice. And in the house, she knows all the smells, it's boring. But when she's outside and free, and you call her, keep in mind that you've gotta be more interesting than that bunny, or recent doggie pee-mail, or deer poop, or neighbor's kitty, or ... the list goes on and on.
This is why I tend to take treats, and multiple toys with me. She gets bored, so we have many options.
As for her not listening to you vs your boyfriend (can't help with him not listening
) - you each need to work with her on the same recall incentive. If you work at it, but he doesn't, you might find she's listening to you, but not him - or vice versa. It takes teamwork and consistency.
Honestly I dont care if she listens to him, he does not want to do anything with her. I feel like we were brought back to square one after last summer when we worked so hard to have her off leash in the first place. Its frustrating when I dont even want to take her for a walk now.
As for him, well, try a clicker and a bag of chips or something - see if you can get him to listen.
Good luck on that one!