Barking After Relieving Herself


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is an odd thing. My 8 week old ShihTzu ( I have had her one week) is good sleeping all night, except on days I am at work (2 days a week) she eats later and then often goes poo on her training pad around midnight. This is when she will typically bark. Maybe it is before she eliminates, maybe after. I am sleeping, wake up and try to ignore her whine/bark thinking she will go back to sleep. When I do get up (once she is quiet) I find she has eliminated on her pad. Should I be getting up sooner as I think she is alerting me she needs to go and for some reason doesn't want that in her ex-pen on the pad? I am confused by this situation.


Honored Member
I would definitely get up the moment she barks. I am assuming you're already started with house training, so she's letting you know 'she wants to go' and please come let me out. Dogs do not like to 'go' anywhere they sleep or eat, so it would be disturbing to her to have it on her pad. Even if the pad isn't near her bed etc. she doesn't really want that smell under her nose all night.

It's a pain I know when you're sleep is disturbed but as you probably already know, that's part of puppyhood training:D


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mary. Yes, I was leaning toward that. Tonight, she has already gone at 730, so I think I will close her in her crate in my room and see how that goes. I am pleased overall with our progress in learning to understand one another, but need to find the best options for both. I work tomorrow, so need to sleep as much as possible. She is also getting more active, which helps the sleep/elimination schedule. It's all a process. If she barks/whines in the crate, I wil lfor sure take her to her 'pad' -I sure appreciate your input.


Honored Member
It is all about learning your dog's ways of communicating with you. So long as everything is done in a positive, loving manner, (which I know you would be doing) you'll both work it out.

Can emphasize totally on sleep depredation and puppies:rolleyes::sleep: As a friend once said, it's like having a baby, after I crawled into work looking like death in a woolie sweater having been up most of the night with a pup who had a tummy ache, due I may add, to her helping herself to a full boston bun!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
We used the crate closed last night, and did better. One wake up, was brief, and then back to sleep till a reasonable hour. Work should be much easier today! Thank you for the encouraging words!


Honored Member
It is why I took two weeks off work, when I got my Jinx. She was 7,5 weeks old when I got her. I set my alarm twice every night, to go and let her out. (I don't use puppy pads, I take them outside) After a few nights, I found that taking her out once a night was enough for her and did this for about 3 weeks. After that I could take her out, late at night, before bed and early in the morning.
But I am fortunate, I don't have to get up untill 9 in the morning, I start work at 10:D

The reason I don't use pads, is that I find it harder to teach the dog to go outside. I guess they are very helpfull when you can't get outside easily, but I still don't like them.


Experienced Member
Evie used to have to go outside once, sometimes twice a night when she was younger. She wouldn't bark or anything, but simply creep out of the bedroom to the laundry(outside) door and if I wasn't quick enough eg. right behind her, she would pee/poop by the laundry door. Puppies don't have good enough control over their bladder to wait until you feel like letting them out, they feel the urge to pee, try and get to where they think they're allowed to pee, and hope for the best lol. If I were you I'd be glad of the barking, to me it's the pup's way of saying 'plllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeease let me out I need to go toilet'. Give them another few weeks and they'll happily be sleeping through the night without having to go out :) Just stick in there for the time being! At least the pup is TRYING to do the right thing. It's a pretty good start in my opinion :p

I also never used a training pad with Evie... I just took her outside right before bed, once in the middle of the night if she indicated that it would be a good idea, and then again first thing in the morning. This was also a great way of teaching her to go toilet on cue. Every time we went outside, I'd sit with her and wait for her to pee, then as she was peeing, praised her verbally and gave her my cue word. She now knows exactly what 'Do it now' means and will go pee when I ask her to :) It's very helpful, especially on long car trips.



Honored Member
We used the crate closed last night, and did better. One wake up, was brief, and then back to sleep till a reasonable hour. Work should be much easier today! Thank you for the encouraging words!
Great!!!(y):) She'll 'last' longer as she get's older. Hang in there. It sure is easier to work after a decent night's sleep!


Honored Member
The reason I don't use pads, is that I find it harder to teach the dog to go outside. I guess they are very helpfull when you can't get outside easily, but I still don't like them.
I've found the same thing, if you use the pads the dog gets too used to them, then you have to re-train to get them to go outside. I only used them once with a puppy but I was living in an apartment at the time, so going outside late at night was hard, didn't want to disturb others in the building.


Honored Member
Good idea Evie, I always use a verbal cue too. And it sure does make it easier on car trips. Ra Kismet, aged around 9 weeks ate some disgusting KFC before I could stop him when out walking in the morning. We were going on a road trip that night and bless his heart, 3.a.m. in the morning saw me walking with him down a very dark, unknown lane, in the middle of nowhere while he found the 'right' spot. Apparently KFC gave him a tum ache! And in the car, he kept whining, while we were on the motorway of course, as he needed to go. A never to be seen again occurrence, partner leading puppy across a field, making encouraging noises 'go little buddy, wee wee's':LOL:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the good words, ladies. Yes we are still up once a night, but she is only 8 weeks and 3.3 #, so tiny bladder as well as immature. I had my standard poodles both on cue, and it was a godsend, especially in the rainy season here. The girl learned to squat even if she didn't need to go, just to please me. :p I am starting to think I will litter train Lucca, I think it will save alot of mess in rainy season with a 'low slung' long haired puppy. It seems I am having a real mental block transitioning to this tiny dog--I just cannot completely absorb the fact that she is no different than my big ones. We are finding our way though and I am pleased to find she learns very fast. Teething is also an issue right now. When she wakes in the night, she is very 'mouthy' and I am giving her cold carrots to chew, which she does and calms herself. Has anyone had any experience with homeopathic teething tablets with puppies? I was thinking of trying it. I know they helped my human babies. Again, because of the small size I am reluctant to do what I might have unhesitatingly done with bigger dogs. Yesterday was my Friday, so today I am getting ready to go visit my grandson in Alameda, CA. Happy Friday, all.


Honored Member
That's a good idea a cold carrot. Just think of her as a 'big' dog that may help.:) I've never had a small dog but my late Mom rescued a very small dog and with her training, same as the big dogs, just with agility she had lower jumps etc. Also with bones, balls, toys she was given smaller versions of the big dogs etc., but LOL pinched theirs. She was one very game little soul with the heart of a lion. She overcame distemper, which she had when my Mom rescued her, and went on to do all the big boys could do and then some!

Yes the homeopathic teething medication is fantastic! I would just ask when you buy, as they will advice re dosage going on her weight, that's the only difference between a small dog and a big dog, the actual dosage.:)

Just keep in mind, that apart from any breed related things (which applies to big or small dogs), little dogs are just the same as big dogs but smaller, therefore any medication given to a big dog needs to be adjusted to suit the weight/size of the small dog.


Well-Known Member
As soon as my puppy has vet approval to go outside I will start putting her on my back 'gravel' terrace. For now, she is not fully immunized and is restricted to the house until she is. Probably a couple more months,-so by then maybe she will be sleeping all night. Currently she makes it till about 3 a.m. I get up at 5 ish so we don't have far to go. Also, fortunately I only have to leave the house two days a week for my work. The other days, I work from home. So that helps the sleep deprivation issue. Currently I am working on increasing the time duration she will lie quietly on the mat I intend to use for grooming, playing with her paws ears and hair which don't really need much grooming as yet, getting her to sit before I pick her up or play with her, letting her get used to having the leash attached, and the potty training. What else would be good for this age (prior to being able to socialize at puppy class due to immunization issues)? I try and work with her after breakfast/potty or dinner/potty time so she is less fidgety. I am open to suggestions..........Thanks to all for your input!


Honored Member
My vet allowed outside in the garden but of course not outside in the street. But I tend to agree with keeping them inside just to be sure.

She'll probably be sleeping all night in a couple of months time, but all puppies are different:)

What I would do is to start teaching her simple basic tricks, like sit, stay (don't expect too much with this one, two seconds is an eternity to a puppy) roll over, give (shake) paw, drop(lie down) recall MOST important, make it a 'game' and treat her when she comes without being called if she's looking at you or already on her way, otherwise make it a short distance to recall (come). Give, as in letting you take her toys etc do immediately reward and give her back her toy. She may also get 'target' your hand, a target stick, peekaboo is another easy trick (my golden oldie has just learned this one).

If she likes a ball, then fetch is another one. Of course, don't throw the ball too far and don't expect miracles, she may or may not 'get it' but it's fun trying:) Some dogs are just not 'into' fetch, my Zeus isn't but his late sister loved it.

Don't push her, let her learn at her pace and of course, reward like crazy and praise like crazy. You'll be amazed just how much and how quickly puppies can learn new tricks.

I've started, with puppies we bred (by accident rescue dog already pregnant) from the moment they opened their eyes to train them. Very easy peasy though, more fun and play but still training, like not to be too mouthy etc. It's amazing how such tiny, young puppies learned simple, easy tricks.

Big thing, work with her, watch what she can do easily, don't put strain on her legs or back at this age, and above all make it FUN FUN FUN.

Oh, I would also start to train her to loose lead in the house, so when she's allowed out she'll already know how to behave on the lead.

Puppy school is such fun, I missed it with Ra Kismet, by the time they had enough puppies he was 'too old' LOL at his age too old!

You're both doing really well, keep up the good work, and do post some more pics of her growing up please:D


Honored Member
You might want to consider putting her in puppy kindergarten classes because it is very crucial she is socialized. Most puppy socialization classes have their puppy area very clean, though you would need to carry your dog to the room. You would need to call and check about this of course.


Honored Member
Excellent point Southerngirl. So long as they have the initial puppyC5(I think from memory) my vets would take them into puppy pre-school. But you do have to carry them in.


Well-Known Member
My vet allowed outside in the garden but of course not outside in the street. But I tend to agree with keeping them inside just to be sure.

She'll probably be sleeping all night in a couple of months time, but all puppies are different:)

What I would do is to start teaching her simple basic tricks, like sit, stay (don't expect too much with this one, two seconds is an eternity to a puppy) roll over, give (shake) paw, drop(lie down) recall MOST important, make it a 'game' and treat her when she comes without being called if she's looking at you or already on her way, otherwise make it a short distance to recall (come). Give, as in letting you take her toys etc do immediately reward and give her back her toy. She may also get 'target' your hand, a target stick, peekaboo is another easy trick (my golden oldie has just learned this one).

If she likes a ball, then fetch is another one. Of course, don't throw the ball too far and don't expect miracles, she may or may not 'get it' but it's fun trying:) Some dogs are just not 'into' fetch, my Zeus isn't but his late sister loved it.

Don't push her, let her learn at her pace and of course, reward like crazy and praise like crazy. You'll be amazed just how much and how quickly puppies can learn new tricks.

I've started, with puppies we bred (by accident rescue dog already pregnant) from the moment they opened their eyes to train them. Very easy peasy though, more fun and play but still training, like not to be too mouthy etc. It's amazing how such tiny, young puppies learned simple, easy tricks.

Big thing, work with her, watch what she can do easily, don't put strain on her legs or back at this age, and above all make it FUN FUN FUN.

Oh, I would also start to train her to loose lead in the house, so when she's allowed out she'll already know how to behave on the lead.

Puppy school is such fun, I missed it with Ra Kismet, by the time they had enough puppies he was 'too old' LOL at his age too old!

You're both doing really well, keep up the good work, and do post some more pics of her growing up please:D


Well-Known Member
I am no doubt totally paranoid, but losing both my previous dogs within 30 days of each other has left me super cautious and (over) protective of this puppy. So I am just chillin till she at least gets her second round of shots. End of this month. She is loudly snoring at my feet at the moment. Such a small puppy to snore so loud! Sounds like a baby bear. :LOL: She slept most of the night last night, woke at midnight and needed to come out of the crate to visit her piddle pad, then back to sleep till 530. That is better! I have taken the few puppies i have had to puppy school-Also my rescues went to basic obedience classes. For now, I do let her visit at my neighbors when I go to her house-she has one and sometimes two dogs, and we also visit my son who has a big lab service dog who runs from her and sleeps at the top of the stairs because he knows she cannot yet climb them. Very amusing --so she is getting exposure to a few other dogs of different sizes and interaction preferences. The vet said just to be very sure there had been no dog sickness and to limit the number of different places we visit till she is fully immunized. He has been my vet for most of 35 years and I think the events of last summer were almost as hard on him as they were on me. So he may be a bit over cautious too. Thanks for all the helpful hints, all. I really appreciate it. I find myself really babying this tiny puppy-but that's what puppies are for, right?